Monday, April 8, 2013

Political Cartoon

What educational policy issue is this political cartoon about?
- it is about a policy saying how much technology we really need in the classroom.
What is the purpose of the cartoon (why did the artist create it?)
- the purpose of this cartoon is to show that too much technology in the classroom is not a good thing all the time. In many ways there are times that technology just won’t cut it and we need the real life thing.
What techniques did the artist use to draw your attention (refer to the cartoon analysis guide from our classroom activity)?
- The teachers both look somewhat defeated as if they have no control over what technology students use in the classroom anymore since its being shoved down their throats so much. Also the student looks proud of himself for “bringing something in” for show and tell when he really didn’t do anything but bring in a tablet.
What is the opinion of the artist?
- the opinion of the artist is that technology is being overused in the classroom. There comes a time when we need to say stop and go back to the basics. It may be a case where he thinks that this is the future or even that this is the present where students don’t really know that real life experience if they just go through the motions online.
According to the artist, who benefits and who is negatively impacted by this policy?
- Personally and I think the artist may have had this in mind, I don’t think anyone benefits from this. The student may think he is benefiting because he doesn’t have to really do anything but the teacher isn’t able to teach as much and the student isn’t necessarily learning as much as he would actually holding the frog.
What opinions do others have on this issue?
- Others most likely have similar opinions but I could see other opinions. It is much easier for the student to do. There is less of a mess and its easier for the teacher to be able to grade. Also with the online aspect there could be more information provided.
Did you find this cartoon persuasive? Why or why not?
I think that if you knew what was going on in the classroom today and the way things are going you would understand this cartoon. It’s not really persuasive because if you didn’t really have the same opinion then it may not work.

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